The Pleaseometer. Picture bedtime story

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Let's work on this story, now that is fresh on our minds!

A minute for thinking

Although some children have more toys than you, they may have less affection from their parents or friends. If you compare yourself with other children because they have something that you do not have, what do you think you should say about those other important things that you do have and they don't?

Let's talk!

Talk to your child about a famous toy you wanted during your childhood but never had. Talk to him also about all those important things you had, and then explain him how easily that toy became forgotten, whereas love and friendship last much longer. Ask him if he would prefer trading them in exchange for new toys.

Why don't you try this?

To learn to value the intangible, you can make a Pleaseometer to be used with friends and relatives. They should make a list of the most valuable things to them, and you will assign points to each of those things. Those with a lower score will receive a big hug: a nice surprise they will surely need!

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Drawings by Jaime Espinar.