Los mejores cuentos infantiles

Toca la imagen del cálamo de abajo para acceder gratis a nuestra mejor selección de cuentos con actividades. Descárgalos y disfruta de ellos siempre que quieras


¿Dónde empezar? Descarga la guía gráfica "Educar con cuentos", disfruta nuestros videocuentos y prueba Jakhu Cuentos, nuestra app de cuentos infantiles.

Esta lista de cuentos está confeccionada a partir de los votos de los usuarios del sitio

The Pleaseometer, un cuento sobre Avoid to feel envy


A Santa's story about generosity

"Many of those who seem to have so much, in fact have the least. So it’s best not to envy them."

La silla, un cuento sobre Amistad verdadera


Cuento sobre los verdaderos amigos

"No todos quienes nos rodean son amigos de verdad. Los buenos amigos son los que nos quieren y se preocupan por nosotros"

Colourful Animals, un cuento sobre Avoid prejudices and being open minded


A story to teach to be open minded

"The animals believed the whole world must be just like their own part of it"

Las ovejas charlatanas, un cuento sobre Atención y escucha


Cuento de las ovejas charlatanas

"Una forma divertida de mostrar el efecto que tiene escuchar a los demás en lugar de hablar"

The Red Balls, un cuento sobre Measure the right amount of things, self-discipline


A short story about self-discipline and correct amount of dosage

"A story to explain the importance of taking things in the proper measure, using the example of medicine. "

Playing with the Sun, un cuento sobre Companionship and comprehension


A short story about companionship

"Wanting to bring happiness to all is the foundation of good companionship"

The Last Dinosaurs, un cuento sobre Adaptability and flexibility


A short story about dinosaurs

"We have to accept that things can change. The best way to deal with change is to remain flexible and adaptable."

The Island Of Inventions, un cuento sobre Having goals and dreams as motivation


A short story about the power of dreams

"We must give ourselves great goals in life, because with effort and perseverance we can achieve even more than we had hoped to."

The Flying Contest, un cuento sobre Fair play, namely losing


A short story for kids about fair play and knowing to lose

"Knowing how to lose graciously can mean that you actually win"

Speedy Snails, un cuento sobre Humility


A short story about humility

"Being good at something doesn’t make us invulnerable, or better people. What improves us is knowing how best to use our gifts."