Los mejores cuentos infantiles

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¿Dónde empezar? Descarga la guía gráfica "Educar con cuentos", disfruta nuestros videocuentos y prueba Jakhu Cuentos, nuestra app de cuentos infantiles.

Esta lista de cuentos está confeccionada a partir de los votos de los usuarios del sitio

A Pessimistic Dog, un cuento sobre Optimism and positive attitude


A short story about optimism

"Many of our natural shortfalls can be replaced by a positive attitude and perseverance"

El peor perro guardián del mundo, un cuento sobre Esfuerzo e ingenio


Un cuento sobre ladrones

"Las cosas buenas se consiguen con esfuerzo. Elegir hacer solo las cosas más fáciles suele terminar en problemas."

A Madman in the City, un cuento sobre Simplicity and austerity


A short story about the stress of modern life

"We often get so carried away by the materialism of modern life, that we lose sight of the most important things: the things which bring happiness."

Dos amigos en un pequeño apuro, un cuento sobre Orden


Brevísimo cuento para enseñar el orden con el material escolar

"Un niño se vuelve diminuto y comprueba en sí mismo los efectos del desorden"

The Unworthy King, un cuento sobre Humility and dignity


A short story about dignity of all people

"Everyone has the same worth and dignity, regardless of their power, riches, or talents. Only deeds are unworthy, not people."

Never Make Fun of a Rhino, un cuento sobre Learn to not make fun of others


A story for kids to teach not make fun of others

"Making fun of others often makes them angry, and can lead to violence"

Problems on the Ark, un cuento sobre Collaboration and teamwork


A Story about Collaboration and teamwork

"Tasks that look impossible for individuals can be achieved by working together as a team"

Goldie: a different kind of princess, un cuento sobre Self-esteem


Cuento de princesas sobre la obsesión por la delgadez

"The obsession with being thin and superficiality hides people’s true beauty"

Kraton’s Labyrinth, un cuento sobre Patience


A short story about the effect of impatience

"Impatience can ruin even the best laid plans."

The Sword of Peace, un cuento sobre Love peace; hate war


A tale about peace

"Two ideas. That wars and battles are not romantic, and that we can all do something to bring about peace."