Los mejores cuentos infantiles

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¿Dónde empezar? Descarga la guía gráfica "Educar con cuentos", disfruta nuestros videocuentos y prueba Jakhu Cuentos, nuestra app de cuentos infantiles.

Esta lista de cuentos está confeccionada a partir de los votos de los usuarios del sitio

Friends from the Vegetable Patch, un cuento sobre Friendship (and a bit of healthy food)


A story for kids about friendship and healthy food

"Friendship is best demonstrated during difficult times."

The Lake Princesses, un cuento sobre Initiative and proactivity


A short story about clever strategy to liberate oneself

"You don’t achieve things by waiting for them to happen, but by actively working to bring about everything that would help these things to happen."

A Colourful Head, un cuento sobre Avoid envy


A short story to avoid envy

"Envy is the result of not knowing how to appreciate what we already have"

The Greatest Treasure in the World, un cuento sobre Friendship and teamwork


A story about friendship as the greatest treasure

"Some things cannot be achieved alone, and working together to do them can foster friendship."

Thomas Crum and his Drum, un cuento sobre Consideration, respect


A short story about respect and consideration for others in the society

"Respect and consideration for others are fundamental for living in groups, because there will always be something which annoys people."

Charlie and the Horse, un cuento sobre Great care


A short story about how to take care of things

"You enjoy your toys more when you look after them"

Back to school for the brave, un cuento sobre Bravery and being nice


Conejita valiente

"The way we come across to others greatly influences how they treat us."

The Cloud Dragon, un cuento sobre Trust and understanding


A short story about the adventure of a terrible dragon

"We all have reasons for behaving as we do. It is better to be understanding and try to bring out the good that we all have in ourselves, rather than be judgemental and condemnatory."

Seeing the Last Dinosaur, un cuento sobre Order, organised, tidy


A short story about being organised and tidy

"Being tidy and organised has more advantages than might be obvious."

A Cow in the Cafe, un cuento sobre Patience and order


A short story about patience and order in every endeavor in life

"Before doing things, you need to plan them and have the patience to do them at the right time."