A Resentful Thumb, un cuento sobre Forgiveness


A funny story about forgiveness

"There is no limit beyond which we should stop practicing forgiveness"

Las princesas del lago, un cuento sobre Iniciativa y proactividad


Cuento sobre la iniciativa y la proactividad

"Las cosas no se consiguen esperando a que ocurran, sino facilitando activamente todo lo que pueda ayudar para que ocurran"

The Respectful Prince and the Dwarves, un cuento sobre Respect


A short story about respect

"Be kind and respectful to everyone, as you never know when will you need help from others"

El invisible rey de la selva, un cuento sobre Sinceridad y credibilidad


Cuento sobre la fiabilidad y la sinceridad

"No se puede exagerar y mentir indefinidamente, si no se puede cumplir lo que se dice, antes o después se descubrirá"

La rosa blanca, un cuento sobre Autoestima


Cuento sobre la autoestima y saber valorarnos

"Todos somos valiosos por nosotros mismos; mucho más de lo que a veces creemos"

The Good Pirate, un cuento sobre Freedom and self guiding


A short story about the freedom to choose our path

"No one is predestined to do anything. It’s in our own hands to change our lives, from day to day"

Lagrimita Joe, un cuento sobre Esfuerzo y alegría; evitar los lloros


Cuento para niños que lloran

"Los niños que lloran para conseguir lo que quieren se están perdiendo muchas cosas buenas"

A Pessimistic Dog, un cuento sobre Optimism and positive attitude


A short story about optimism

"Many of our natural shortfalls can be replaced by a positive attitude and perseverance"

Forever a Monster, un cuento sobre Kindness, forgiveness and generosity


A children story about kindness and forgiveness

"A bad boy discovers what good effects kind people have in the world"

La extraña pajarería, un cuento sobre Autoestima y confianza


Cuento sobre la autoestima y la confianza

"La autoestima debe fomentarse siempre, pues su falta es la razón de que muchas personas no lleguen a mostrar todo su potencial"

The Crashed Martian, un cuento sobre Teamwork, Friendship and Hard Work


A story for children about teamwork

"The satisfaction of working together in friendship is much greater than the minor inconveniences it brings"

Katrina, la brujita caprichosa, un cuento sobre Laboriosidad, esfuerzo y austeridad. Evitar los caprichos


Cuento para evitar los caprichos

"La mejor forma de evitar los caprichos es reconocer que todo lo que tenemos ha supuesto trabajo y esfuerzo de alguien"

The Hypersensor, un cuento sobre Kindness with people with sensory deficiecy


A short story about interacting with blind people

"People with a sensory deficiency are just normal people who have a disadvantage when it comes to dealing with what’s happening right now"

An Octopus in Trouble, un cuento sobre Gratitude and Bravery


A story about gratitude

"Showing gratitude is one of the bases of friendship. Acts can overcome shyness."

La maldición de los Mentirukis, un cuento sobre Sinceridad


Cuento para evitar las pequeñas mentiras

"No existen mentiras pequeñas; todas las mentiras conducen a lo mismo y son fuente de problemas y complicaciones"

The Deductive Mr. Horsefly, un cuento sobre Avoid stereotypes


Short story to avoid stetreo

"You can’t judge anyone based purely on stereotypes."

The Beauty Contest, un cuento sobre Humility


Short story of the vanid butterfly

"Vanity provokes others to serve up some painful lessons on humility"

The Opera Singer, un cuento sobre Hard work and effort


A short story about hard work

"Success comes as a result of hard work and constant effort."

Facilitonia, el paraíso de las cosas fáciles, un cuento sobre Superación y esfuerzo


Cuento sobre el esfuerzo y las dificultades

"Las dificultades, incomodidades y problemas que encontramos en la vida, no son un obstáculo, sino la forma de crecer y aprender"

Art Town, un cuento sobre Optimism and being positive


A story about optimism

"idea for everyone, to help see the positive aspect in all experiences"

El cuentito, un cuento sobre Autoaceptarse y evitar los complejos


Cuento sobre la autoestima y los complejos

"Aquello que nos hace especiales, se convertirá en fuente de oportunidades, aunque a primera vista no lo parezca, porque sólo nosotros podremos aprovecharlas "

The Tree and the Vegetables, un cuento sobre Generosity and teamwork


A short story about teamwork and generosity

"Many depend on collaboration and compromise to do well in life"

The Happy Sweeper, un cuento sobre Tidiness; working joyfully


A short story for children about working joyfully

"It’s better to be clean and tidy from the start, and anyone can clean up in a joyful spirit."

Bulá, el viajero, un cuento sobre Generosidad y sacrificio


Cuento de Navidad ambientado en Belén

"Un cuento de Navidad con los verdaderos valores del mensaje de Jesús"

Chess of a Thousand Colours, un cuento sobre Tidiness


A short story about tidiness

"All things require a minimum of order, although that doesn’t prevent the order from being applied with imagination"

El misterioso ladrón de ladrones, un cuento sobre Respetar las cosas de los demás


Cuento para respetar las cosas de los demás

"Muchas veces no tenemos en cuenta a los demás, y provocamos en los demás sentimientos que nunca querríamos para nosotros"

Black and White, un cuento sobre Punctuality and respect


A short story for children about colors

"Lack of punctuality is not only a lack of respect towards others, it can also cause us to miss great opportunities"

August Heat, un cuento sobre Strength and will power


A short story for children about will power

"Small daily renunciations are what develop strength and will power"

Cheerful Charlie, un cuento sobre Cheerfulness y enthusiasm


A short story for children about cheerfulness and enthusiasm

"Cheerfulness and enthusiasm are the best means of achieving things. They also have the advantage of being contagious and powerful"

La mejor elección, un cuento sobre Valorar lo importante y evitar el materialismo


Cuento sobre la Navidad y Santa Claus

"Un cuento de Navidad para recordar a los niños qué es lo verdaderamente importante en estas fechas, y en todo el año"

The Old Man on the Moon, un cuento sobre Willingness to learn and persistence


A short story for children about constancy

"Even if our plans are not fulfilled in the way we expected, remaining prepared and persistent will bring about other things just as good or better"

A Village on the Road, un cuento sobre Solidarity and Kindness


A short story about solidarity and kindness

"The best kindness is to give our time and sincere best wishes to people, regardless of whether they can give us anything in return"

Modern Nomads, un cuento sobre Respect for Nature and Sustainability


A short story for children about nature care

"It is up to us to live in a sustainable world"

Never Make Fun of a Rhino, un cuento sobre Learn to not make fun of others


A story for kids to teach not make fun of others

"Making fun of others often makes them angry, and can lead to violence"

Las arrugas, un cuento sobre Amor a los abuelos


Cuento sobre abuelos

"Un pequeño homenaje a los abuelos, que siempre están dispuestos a pasar el tiempo con los niños"

The Magic Window, un cuento sobre Friendship and care


A short story for children about friendship

"Friends are for cheering you up in your worst moments"

The Evil Goblins, un cuento sobre Respect and kindness


A story to teach respect for others

"Respecting others is not only important for those we respect, but also for the effect it has upon ourselves"

El tesoro de Madi, un cuento sobre Alegría


Cuento sobre la alegría y el buen humor

"La alegría en todo momento es un tesoro en sí mismo que no cuesta nada llevar"

Trouble in the Science Class, un cuento sobre Being calm


A short and funny story about being calm

"Acting when we are furious or annoyed results in less clever and intelligent actions"

The Bad Neighbours, un cuento sobre Communication. Do not judge others's intentions.


A short story to teach not to judge others' actions

"We should not guess or imagine the intentions of others. Talking is how we come to understand others, and clear up a great many problems"

The Magic Coins, un cuento sobre Gererosity and Honesty


A short tale about generosity and honesty

"The best way to encourage honesty is to create an environment of honesty and generosity, since he who wants nothing for himself is farthest from falling into greed and envy."

Chocolate Tears, un cuento sobre Friendship


A short story to make friends

"The best way to make friends is to be genuinely concerned about others."

A Letter Soup, un cuento sobre Good manners


A short and funny story to teach good manners

"Good manners help us live together in a pleasant atmosphere"

The Life-Wasting Potion, un cuento sobre Healthy life


A short story about healthy habits

"Although you have to make some effort to live a healthy and happy life, it pays to eat a little of everything, and do some exercise."

A Different Take on Halloween, un cuento sobre Forgiveness, self control and joy


A short story about Halloween and letters

"A non-scary story about monsters, to tell to little ones on Halloween"

El Pintor, el Dragón, y el Titán, un cuento sobre Evitar los abusos y la "ley del más fuerte"


Cuento para evitar la ley del más fuerte

"Por muy grande o fuerte que alguien sea, siempre hay alguien más grande que puede hacer lo mismo"

The Carnivorous Plant and the Butcher, un cuento sobre Obedience


A story about obedience to those who love us

"Behind the rules laid out by those who love us lies a desire to help us and protect us, even though it might not seem so to us"

The Magic Key, un cuento sobre Passion for reading and imagination


A story to discover the joys of reading

"A story to help children discover the joys of reading, and the torrent of experience and imagination it releases"

El malvado Milisforo, un cuento sobre El amor en la familia


Cuento sobre el amor en la familia

"La familia es tan fuerte porque está unida con amor, y por eso en ella se acepta y se perdona mil veces"

The Red Moon, un cuento sobre Care for environment


A short story about care for environment

"If we don’t actively care for the environment, it could seriously deteriorate "

The Grey Fountain, un cuento sobre Caring for environment


A short story to teach to take care of nature

"Caring for the environment is a cause for real happiness."

The Homework Party, un cuento sobre Self motivation


A short story about making homework funny

"Originality, creativity, and games, are the best ways to motivate yourself to doing the jobs which require more effort "

The Outing, un cuento sobre Self acceptance


A short story to avoid making fun on other's physical characteristics

"Don’t make fun of people’s physical characteristics or deficiencies. Everyone gives the best of what they have, and often, unpopular people can offer more than the popular ones."

Negrón y los magos chispitas, un cuento sobre Vencer el miedo a las tormentas


Cuento para vencer el miedo a las tormentas

"Una historia mágica y simpática para ayudar a vencer el miedo a las tormentas"

The Little Star, un cuento sobre Obedience and patience


A cute story about obedience

"For some things, children are still too young, and they should allow their parents to guide them"

Jemima the Nosey Giraffe, un cuento sobre Respect other's privacy


A short story about curiosity and respect other's privacy

"Curiosity about other people’s business shows a lack of respect. We all have a right to privacy."

George the Giant, un cuento sobre Tenderness and kindness


A short story about tenderness and kindness

"The best way to deal with anger is to use tenderness, tact, and kindness"

Scuttleball. Soccer for Ants, un cuento sobre Fair play, respect and tolerance


A short story about Fair Play and tolerance

"Sport is just a game. It should not arouse feelings of aggression and anger"

El leopardo en su árbol, un cuento sobre Justicia y compromiso


Cuento sobre la indiferencia ante los problemas ajenos

"La indiferencia frente a los problemas de los demás los hace crecer tanto que pueden terminar siendo un problema para nosotros mismos"

Fiona Famous, un cuento sobre True friendship


A short story about true friendship

"True friendship goes much further than superficially knowing people, or getting on well with lots of people."